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Submitting Issues and Known Issues

Thank you for using RevyOS! If you encounter any problems or discover bugs during use, please follow these steps:

Submitting a New Issue

  • Visit the GitHub Issues page: RevyOS-Issue
  • Click the New Issue button on the right side of the page.
  • When submitting an issue, please provide as much of the following information as possible:
    • Description of the Issue: Clearly and concisely describe the problem.
    • Steps to Reproduce: List the steps that lead to the issue.
    • Expected Behavior: Explain how you expected the system to behave.
    • Actual Behavior: Describe what actually happened.
    • Environment Information: Include the RevyOS image version, the source of the image file, and hardware version.
  • Attach relevant logs or screenshots to help us identify the issue more quickly.

Checking Known Issues

Before submitting a new issue, we recommend checking our record of known issues:

If the issue already exists, you can:

  • Add a comment to the corresponding issue or discussion to provide more information.


  • Ensure your issue has not been submitted previously.
  • Providing detailed and complete information will help us resolve the issue faster.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss any issues encountered during use, you can reach us through the following channels: